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Jigsaw Puzzle Journey is a game that takes you on a trip around the world through amazing puzzles. You can discover over 70 countries and their culture, nature and cuisine in high resolution images. Whether you want to see the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon or the Taj Mahal, Jigsaw Puzzle Journey has it all! Here are some of the features of the game: • Free Puzzles: Start your journey with 75 free puzzles from USA, France and Philippines. • Puzzle of the Day: Challenge yourself with a new puzzle every day and earn rewards to unlock more puzzles. • Paid Puzzle Packs: Travel to more destinations with over 70 puzzle packs for sale. Each pack contains 25 puzzles that you can adjust to your preference and play anytime you want. • Premium Subscription: Explore the world without limits with a Premium subscription. You can access all the puzzles in our library and remove all the video ads for a better gaming experience. • Purchase Rules: Keep your puzzles safe and sound. You can play all the puzzles you paid for on any device, as long as you login with the same Microsoft Account. Thank you for playing Jigsaw Puzzle Journey! We hope you enjoy your puzzle adventure!

Captures d’écran

Nouveautés de cette version

• 10th of December, 2023 New puzzle pack: Norway Winter


  • Daily jigsaw puzzle
  • Pick the number of pieces
  • Move multiple pieces at once
  • Pieces tray
  • Change game board background color
  • High resolution images
  • Shuffle pieces on the board
  • Peek at the final picture
  • Filter edge pieces
  • Soothing background music
  • Daily Competition
  • Contest rewards
  • Share completed puzzle on Facebook
  • Set completed puzzle as desktop wallpaper
  • Puzzle location information
  • Guided tutorial
  • Premium subscription trial

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Frenzy Games


Copyright © 2013 - 2024, Frenzy Games

Développé par

Frenzy Games

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

63,86 Mo

Classification par âge

3 ans et plus

Cette application peut

Accéder à votre connexion Internet


Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

Conditions supplémentaires

Politique de confidentialité de Jigsaw Puzzle Journey
Conditions de la transaction
Termes du contrat de licence Jigsaw Puzzle Journey
The game shares your player name in the Online Leaderboard. Choose appropriate names which are not offensive. Failing to do so could lead to your game account being suspended.

Signaler ce produit

Se connecter pour signaler ce jeu à Microsoft
Signaler ce produit pour contenu illégal

Clause légale d’exclusion de responsabilité

Ce vendeur a certifié qu’il proposera uniquement des produits ou services conformes à toutes les lois applicables