

Love logic puzzles? Want to test your wits, train your brain, or just relax for a little while each day? Play Sudoku, now available FREE for your Windows 8 PC, laptop, or tablet. Sudoku works perfectly with your Windows 8 device - whether you're using a mouse or a touch screen. This app was design with Sudoku beginners and experts alike in mind. New to the game? Use the guide system to narrow down your options and start to learn the game. Love Sudoku already? You'll never run out of fun puzzles with this app. Keep playing to beat your best scores and times, or just check in daily to stay sharp - how you play is up to you!

Captures d’écran


  • Unlimited Sudoku puzzles for beginners and experts alike!
  • Time and scores are displayed for competitive players.
  • Beginners can learn the game with a robust hint system.
  • Notations help you mark your guesses before you're sure.
  • Customize which hints you want to use.

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Arkadium Inc


© 2013 Arkadium, Inc.

Développé par

Arkadium Inc

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

2,99 Mo

Classification par âge

12 ans et plus

Cette application peut

Accéder à votre connexion Internet


Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

Conditions supplémentaires

Politique de confidentialité de Sudoku For Free
Conditions de la transaction
Termes du contrat de licence Sudoku For Free

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