Afterloop - Adventure & Exploration Puzzle n’est pas disponible pour l’instant.


Will you be capable to solve all the mysteries and puzzles across a massive labyrinth with over 300 challenges ? AfterLoop's core mechanic revolves around pushing blocks to reach the hard-to-reach stars and make a path to the exit, but as you travel deeper into Pr8's world, new and more challenging puzzle elements will be introduced. Those elements include blocks that can only move in certain directions, blocks that are linked and move in tandem, special tiles that unlock paths, and more. Help PR8 to solve a wide range of puzzles with an incredible variety of challenges, game modes and patterns. Stuck in a loop since over 50 years, PR8, an utility robot had begun to despair. One day, these endless patterns began to change, these eternal corridors shifted to amazing structures, opening new paths towards answers and perhaps an exit. It's time to discover what's after the loop! Check out for more games about to be released!

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Copyright © 2016, Game Troopers, SL.

Développé par


Date de sortie


Taille approximative

80,49 Mo

Classification par âge

3 ans et plus

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Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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