Microsoft Edge airson Gnìomhachas

The fast and secure enterprise browser with Microsoft innovation and productivity.


Microsoft Ignite Announcements

Unlock the power of Microsoft Edge for Business—the secure enterprise browser. Get the latest on how to safeguard against cyberthreats and AI risks, while enhancing productivity.


Stay protected with a secure enterprise browser

Microsoft Edge for Business is built for organizations and designed with security in mind by default. Discover the latest features that safeguard your business against cyber threats.

Optimized for AI

Microsoft Copilot with enterprise data protection and Microsoft 365 Copilot are built into Edge, integrating AI directly into existing workflows and helping unlock extraordinary AI capabilities.

Browser management made simple

Edge management service is a dedicated and guided management experience in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Admins can easily configure browser policies and manage extensions for their organization so users can access what they need. 

Dìon do bhuidheann le tèarainteachd brabhsair earbsach

Backed by the latest Microsoft security, Microsoft Edge for Business fits a Zero Trust architecture, protects against phishing attacks, and keeps your organization’s sensitive data secure across all devices, including personal devices.

Manage any device from anywhere

With native support for Microsoft 365 security tools, Edge for Business brings world-class security to protect sensitive data on any device, anywhere.


Stay connected on your browser across devices

Microsoft Edge for mobile keeps your users connected to organizational data across all your devices with easy syncing and security across Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android.

Customize Microsoft Edge for Business for your organization

Add your organization’s name, color, and logo to Edge for Business for a visual cue so your users know that they are working in the browser you’ve configured to maximize their productivity and safety.

Integration with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is integrated into Edge for Business for seamless access to work resources, resulting in boosted productivity.

Edge for Business luchd-ceannach

Meet the organizations transforming their businesses with Microsoft Edge for Business.



TeamViewer uses Microsoft Edge WebView2 to streamline development technologies.



EY uses Microsoft Search to help its global workforce find everything they need at work.

Cùram slàinte


AdventHealth prescribes Edge for Business and Microsoft Search to help their users.


National Australia Bank

Bidh luchd-obrach a’ comharrachadh buannachdan cinneasachd agus eòlas lìn nas sìmplidhe.
Cùram slàinte


Bidh Cerner a’ lìbhrigeadh coileanadh a ghabhas tomhas agus buannachdan stòrais le Edge.

NEC Group

Bidh NEC Group a’ dol an àite IE le Edge gus coinneachadh ri inbhean lìn an latha an-diugh.

Yapı Kredi

Bidh Yapı Kredi a’ neartachadh tèarainteachd banca le cleachdadh Edge.

Microsoft Edge for Business resources

Faigh cothrom air eòlas innleadaireachd Microsoft, na cleachdaidhean as fheàrr, agus goireasan teignigeach leis an taic gun choimeas againn.

Cuideachadh co-chòrdalachd

Cuir fios gu App Assure airson taic leigheas gun chosgais le cùisean co-chòrdalachd.

Edge air a stèidheachadh

Use the Microsoft Edge for Business set up guide to configure Edge for your environment.

Dèan rèiteachadh air modh IE

Cleachd an eòlas treòraichte modh Configure IE gus modh IE a stèidheachadh sa bhuidheann agad.


Access technical documentation to maximize Microsoft Edge for Business in your organization.


Dèan rèiteachadh air Microsoft Edge airson Gnìomhachas an-diugh

Configure Microsoft Edge for Business to take advantage of advanced security capabilities across managed and personal devices.

Ceistean Cumanta

  • * Dh’fhaoidte gum bi diofar ghleusan ri làimh agus gun dèan iad rudan beagan eadar-dhealaichte a-rèir an uidheim, na margaid agus tionndadh a’ bhrabhsair.