With the new Bing built into the Microsoft Edge sidebar, you can ask complex questions, find comprehensive answers, get summarized information, find inspiration to build upon all in a side-by-side view, with no need to flip between tabs.
With the new Bing built into the Microsoft Edge sidebar, you can ask complex questions, find comprehensive answers, get summarized information, find inspiration to build upon all in a side-by-side view, with no need to flip between tabs.
To try Bing Chat, sign into Microsoft Edge and select the Bing chat icon in the browser toolbar. Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market, and browser version.
Chat in the Edge sidebar has all the search and creative capabilities of Bing Chat and more. In the sidebar, Chat can also perform searches and answers in relation to the page you’re viewing. For example:
· What wine should I pair with this recipe?
· Are these roller skates good for roller derby?
· Compare this coffee maker to {other brand} and put it in a table
· Would this plant thrive in an east-facing window?
· Key takeaways of this report
Just make sure you give it permission by toggling on Page context! Learn more about that below.
Tionndaidh air co-theacs Duilleag gus cead a thoirt do Chat iomradh a thoirt air susbaint na duilleig-lìn nuair a chuireas tu ceist. Dìreach rachaibh gu Barrachd roghainnean (dotagan trì-fhillte air an cruachadh) aig mullach do roghainnean Bing Chat> Fios is App, agus tog air co-theacs na duilleige. Cha leig thu leas ach co-theacs na duilleige atharrachadh aon turas gus a rèiteachadh, ach faodaidh tu a chuir dheth aig àm sam bith.
Tha Bing Chat a’ tighinn gu sgiobalta gu Edge mobile - agus mar anns a’ bhàr-taoibh, bidh e comasach dhut ceistean fhaighneachd co-cheangailte ris an t-susbaint air a bheil thu a’ coimhead air-loidhne. Cum sùil air airson barrachd mu mar a chleachdas tu Bing Chat san app gluasadach Edge agad.
* Dh’fhaoidte gum bi diofar ghleusan ri làimh agus gun dèan iad rudan beagan eadar-dhealaichte a-rèir an uidheim, na margaid agus tionndadh a’ bhrabhsair.
A-nis Copilot!
Bing Chat is now Copilot. The AI-powered feature that helps you do more than you ever thought possible, built right into your browser.