
Browse smarter with your personal AI companion. Whether you're reading an article, watching a video, or exploring a website, you can ask Copilot anything and get quick, relevant answers without ever leaving the page. Copilot can respond via chat or voice. Simply click  . to get started. 


Browse smarter with your personal AI companion. Whether you're reading an article, watching a video, or exploring a website, you can ask Copilot anything and get quick, relevant answers without ever leaving the page. Copilot can respond via chat or voice. Simply click  . to get started. 

What can Copilot do?

Ceistean cumanta
  • * Dh’fhaoidte gum bi diofar ghleusan ri làimh agus gun dèan iad rudan beagan eadar-dhealaichte a-rèir an uidheim, na margaid agus tionndadh a’ bhrabhsair.