Sònrachaidhean bhidio

When you watch videos in the Edge browser, find exactly the moments you're looking for way faster. Copilot can answer questions and call out key moments in the video, including clickable timestamps.

Le cumhachd AI

Sònrachaidhean bhidio

When you watch videos in the Edge browser, find exactly the moments you're looking for way faster. Copilot can answer questions and call out key moments in the video, including clickable timestamps.

Molaidhean agus cleasan

Ceistean cumanta
  • * Dh’fhaoidte gum bi diofar ghleusan ri làimh agus gun dèan iad rudan beagan eadar-dhealaichte a-rèir an uidheim, na margaid agus tionndadh a’ bhrabhsair.