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Sakamakon Binciken Saukarwa ta Microsoft

Nuna 11 - 20 cikin abubuwa 26
  1. Manahaja

    Fakitin Kayan Haɗi na Harshe na Microsoft® Office Language – Hausa

    Fakitin Kayan Haɗi na Harshe na Microsoft Office - Hausa yana ƙara ƙarin nuni, taimako, ko kayan taskace rubutu dangane da harshen da kake girkawa.

  2. Daftari

    Windows Phone 7 Connector (for Mac) Help Documentation - Hausa

    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.

  3. Sabunta

    Update for Windows 8.1 (KB2994290)

    Install this update to resolve issues in Windows.

  4. Sabunta

    Internet Explorer 11 ga Gwanayen IT da Masu Gina ta Windows 7

    Mafi sauri. Mafi tsaro. Internet Explorer 11 shine yababben burauza don Windows 7.

  5. Manahaja

    Windows Phone 7 Connector (for Mac) - Beta - Hausa

    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.

  6. Manahaja

    Makunshin Hada Yaren Windows 7

    Makunshin Hada Yare na Windows 7 (LIP) yakan bada hadin mai amfani wanda yawan shi na gida ne domin wuraren Windows 7 wanda aka fi amfani da su.

  7. Redistributable Component

    Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable - Hausar (Boko)

    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.

  8. Manahaja

    Windows Phone 7 Connector (for Mac) Beta - Hausa

    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.

  9. Daftari

    Windows Phone 7 Connector (for Mac) Welcome Video - Hausa

    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.

  10. Sabunta

    Update for Windows 8.1 for x64-based Systems (KB2994290)

    Install this update to resolve issues in Windows.

Nuna 11 - 20 cikin abubuwa 26