Za tu je aplikaciju potrebna najnovija verzija preglednika Microsoft Edge.


Break on through to the next generation of Block Breaker! Experience deeper-more intricate levels that take you beyond a single screen full of blocks. Grab power-ups-trigger switches and blast through gateways to reach new areas as you push your way towards the top. Try to keep up with multiple balls on the same screen-or even multiple paddles! The thrill never stops-thanks to the level generator. Enemies and epic boss battles await you every step of the way-so stay focused and have a blast! A breakthrough game! Innovative new scrolling level design adds depth to all 100 of the game's stages. Tons of new power-ups-including the ability to deal with multiple balls… and paddles! Climactic boss battles at the end of each of the 7 locations. Spend in-game cash to upgrade your paddle at the shop and buy new bonuses and powers. Experience 9 different game modes-including HotSeat Multiplayer and Block Master. Enjoy never-ending fun thanks to the level generator!

Snimke zaslona

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Gameloft SE

Datum izdavanja


Približna veličina

8,24 MB

Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 3 godine



Aplikacija ima dozvolu za sljedeće

Pristupa vašim datotekama, perifernim uređajima, aplikacijama, programima i registru
Pristup internetskoj vezi


Dohvatite aplikaciju dok ste prijavljeni na Microsoftov račun i instalirajte je na najviše deset uređaja sa sustavom Windows 10.

Podržani jezik

English (United States)

Informacije o izdavaču

Web-mjesto za Block Breaker 3 Unlimited

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