

Learning Center flashcards is a great educational game which allows toddlers, kids, and adults alike to learn words, spelling, and concepts in an interactive stimulating format. Learning Center Flashcards includes not only the idea of teaching how to spell words but to teach the concept of the word as well. Players are able to interact with the word by completing the spelling of the word, hearing the pronunciation of the letter, and hearing the pronunciation of the word. This game allows for many different opportunities for players to experience and learn new things in order to build connections to the world around them. The game also promotes fine motor dexterity in toddlers and children.

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Novo u ovoj verziji

Fixed minor bug and improve preformance

Dodatne informacije



Autorska prava

Copyright © 2014, Ramiro G



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3,98 MB

Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 3 godine


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Aplikacija ima dozvolu za sljedeće

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Dohvatite aplikaciju dok ste prijavljeni na Microsoftov račun i instalirajte je na najviše deset uređaja sa sustavom Windows 10.


Autor proizvoda smatra da proizvod ispunjava preduvjete pristupačnosti, zbog čega je svima jednostavniji za korištenje.

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English (United States)

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