5 200,00 HUFAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
5 200,00 HUF+


Enter the fractured psyche of Bruce Wayne and discover the powerful and far-reaching consequences of your choices as the Dark Knight. In this gritty and violent new story from the award-winning creators of The Walking Dead – A Telltale Games Series, you'll make discoveries that will shatter Bruce Wayne's world, and the already fragile stability of a corrupt Gotham City. Your actions and your choices will determine the fate of the Batman. Download Episode One of Batman: The Telltale Series, a five part episodic game series from the creators of The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series, The Wolf Among Us, and Tales from the Borderlands.


További információ


Telltale Games

Szerzői jogok

Software code © 2016 Telltale, Inc. All other elements ©2016 DC Comics. BATMAN and all related characters, their distinctive likenesses, and related elements are the property of DC Comics. ™ & © 2016.


Telltale Games

Megjelenés dátuma

2016. 11. 02.

Hozzávetőleges méret

13,62 GB


18 éves kortól


Akció és kaland

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Támogatott nyelv

العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية)
English (United States)
Français (France)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Русский (Россия)
Português (Brasil)

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