

Welcome back to Hunting Season 2017! Ever wanted to be a hunter, and shooting wild animals with your sniper rifle.? You love to aim and shoot the fast running deer and other animals in jungle? You want to hone your sniper shooting skills while hunting animals in wilderness? Unleash the hunter in you; download and play Deer Hunt 2017 – A Big title from The Games Studios is out there to challenge your sniping skills; Aim, Shoot and Hunt wild animals in forests and wilderness. Game Play: Deer Hunt 2017 gives you one of the most addictive and adventurous game play experience to become an elite hunter of carnivores like tiger, lion, crocodile etc. In this hunt challenge we also offer deer, gazelle, elephant, camels, zebra and other wild animals to be the prey of the shooter. In this adventure you will experience Campaign and Hunting Challenges mode. Campaign Mode: In this mode, the hunter will go through jungles, deserts and other wilderness. The marksman is posed behind the sniper for more than 50 adventures in this release of the game. Starting with simple and easy adventures, you will be challenged for breathtaking hunting challenges as you advance in the campaign. The Hunter will surely enjoy going through campaign season. Challenges: For an elite hunter it’s always fun to be challenged for an adventure. Stampede, precise head shots, fast running target shooting, limited time target shoot and much more hunting challenges are offered in this mode. Load your sniper rifle, aim at your target and hunt! In these hunting challenges, we are offering 10 timely and precise shooting adventures. Steady, Aim, Hunt! Download and play Deer Hunt 2017! Unleash the Hunter in You! GAME FEATURES of Deer Hunt 2017: • More than 70 adventurous hunting mission • Smooth sniper shooting controls • Realistic animals animations of walk, run, attack, swim • Realistic Jungle and desert Environment • Smooth movement of hunter in the right direction of target Extra Features: - Awesomely designed action camera for Sniper Hunting. - Global Leaderboards to compete hunters across the world. - Achievements on Head Shots, Kills and Hunting Challenges - Modern Sniper Rifles, Scope and thermal vision. HOW TO PLAY: • Touch and drag on the screen to look for your target. • Use Scope for zoom to get accurate shots • Thermal vision to see lungs and other body parts. • Left and right arrows to move and aim precisely. Disclaimer: This game is just for fun. We support wildlife protection and we strongly discourage hunting animals without any reasons. We all should care about rare species of wildlife.


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Next Generation Games


Next Generation Games

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 02. 18.

Hozzávetőleges méret

294,8 MB


16 éves kortól


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