

Therapy: Gin Rummy is a mental escape that is a refreshing stress-reliever. Anytime: Solitaire is always at the ready – play anytime to relieve boredom and escape. Mental Sharpness: Solitaire helps keep you mentally sharp. Gin Rummy Plus is a popular classic card game. You need to move cards and drag them to their destination. Use your strategy and stack all cards of each suit in descending order from King down to Ace (King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace) to solve the puzzle. Remove all cards from the table, Once the table is completely empty the game has been won. Try to remove the cards with fewest moves possible to make the best score. Key Features: - deals with different difficulty - every completed deal has a score - customizable background and card - magnetic card movement - supernova: multiple card dragging - drag or tap to move - undo option Easy to use: FreeCell solitaire has been built specifically for you're to bring you the best card games experience ever… for you to fall in love with it over and over again.


További információ


WSNCM Company

Megjelenés dátuma

2018. 12. 03.

Hozzávetőleges méret

17,06 MB


3 éves kortól



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