IngyenesAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál


The delightful 2-in-1 Treasure of Time game is for those who love casual games with a compelling story, unexpected plot twists, intrigue, mystery, memorable characters, and cute companions! Original plots, exciting quests, and amazing heroes are waiting for you. Unlike other card games, virtual casinos, mahjong or Tri Peaks solitaire games, this is a family-friendly game for kids and adults alike: See for yourself! - More than 300 different solitaires, from the simple classic to incredibly difficult games. - A wide variety of card game modes: blitz levels that require instant reaction, large solitaires which need your attention and patience, and much more! - Excellent Match 3 levels. - Collect artifacts and look for mysterious items to add them to unique collections. - Solve puzzles, protect locals from danger, and help lonely hearts find true love. If you want to take a break from travels in the jungle and archaeological mysteries, there is nothing better than a good old fairy tale! One click, and you will be taken to the ice-bound kingdom of Flores. You have never seen such a Match 3 in your whole life! The amazing story will instantly captivate you, and the variety of puzzles will be a true training for your mind. Bright colors, fascinating storyline, adventures, discoveries, and memorable characters: What more could you ask for? - 25 colorful characters with their own history and even a real Dragon, who will become your travel companion. - A large map with 18 different locations that you have to rebuild from the ruins, and travels in six different worlds of the Portal. - Fascinating storyline, more than 1000 quests that you have to complete. - More than 800 Match-3 levels, and over 20 different mechanics. - Hints to help with your game progress: Double Crackers, 2 Bombs, Pinwheel Flower, Spade, Watering Can, Cart. - More than 150 colorful collections - We are launching a number of gaming events on an ongoing basis: "Breaking news!", "Dragon's Treasure", "Save the Kitty" and "Traveling Circus" events will enable you to take a break from the main plot of the game. You will never, ever get bored! In addition, we run regular themed game events! - "Wheel of Fortune", "Flower Girl", and "Olav's Workshop": Additional locations add diversity to gameplay. - Generous rewards for achievements in game progress. - Animated backgrounds of locations that can be upgraded! Take a break from the daily routine and become a hero completing thousands of quests in two different, but equally interesting and attractive worlds. You have never seen such a game before!


A verzió újdonságai

Update 2.4.0 is here! - Game events of the Frozen Flowers kingdom are now displayed in the Solitaire world. Play without being distracted by switching worlds and get generous rewards. - New game background animations have been added to the Solitaire world locations. Visit them all and admire their beauty! - Lots of technical and visual improvements which makes it even more comfortable for you to play.

További információ



Szerzői jogok

Game Insight, 2022

Megjelenés dátuma

2019. 09. 11.

Hozzávetőleges méret

169,16 MB


3 éves kortól

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