IngyenesAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál


Farm. Build. Town. Trade. Town Village is a unique mix of citybuilding and farming. Build your dream village consisting of houses, farms, factories, community buildings and a seaside trading port. Manage the farm and village productions in your fun cartoon farming town, sell goods to further develop and expand your farm city, harvest hay farms and grow your island to a flourishing trading port in the area. Town Village is a unique mix of citybuilding and farming. Build your dream town! It’s free! Enjoy Town Village for free, created by the number 1 citybuilder developer for mobile: Sparkling Society, with over a dozen cool city building games and over 85 million players worldwide. Try to develop, grow farming capabilities and craft your farming village into a town / city / metropolis with lots of beautiful and fun buildings and expansions, lots of goods and crops to produce on the farmfields, grow a variety of hay crops on your farms, and deliver orders from your citizens and neighbours to keep them happy and earn cash and XP. Decorate your town with a lot of beautiful decorations to make your fun farm city unique. Develop your village to a small ville cartoon town. So if you like city builders and have played other city building games or fun farm games in the past, you’ll definitely love this city builder. If you love a relaxing farm game with a challenge, for free, or if you are a designer when you build your own city, join now! Town Village features: * Different buildings, from craft stores to farms and decorations you can use to design your dream town * Various farm crops to grow and goods to trade at your trading port * Characteristic townspeople with orders you can fill to earn cash and XP for your town villager * Your town's distribution center needs to be managed, help your citizens * Sell your farm crops at the market * Collect city building materials to finish cartoony buildings * Farms to manage and expand your farming town * Exotic goods and crops brought from trading ports from other farm islands * Decorate your fun town with numerous lovely decorations * Town building game, village building game, farm management * Play with your friends, make new friends in the game community! (soon) * Free game with in-app purchases


A vásárlók további kedvencei

További információ


Sparkling Society Games B.V.

Megjelenés dátuma

2019. 02. 13.

Hozzávetőleges méret

148,01 MB


3 éves kortól



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English (United States)

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