
Requires a Windows Mixed Reality Ultra PC. Take the first, small step into a virtual Halo world with Halo Recruit. This free training experience will introduce you to the characters, weapons, and universe of Halo through the power of Windows Mixed Reality. As a freshly minted UNSC recruit, you will learn to identify and fight terrifying alien combatants in this compelling exploration of what Halo’s virtual future might hold.

Skreenshọt gasị

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Ebiputara site na

Microsoft Studios


343 Industries

Developed by

343 Industries / Endeavor One

Ụbọchi mwepụta


Approximate size

2.51 GB

Ogo Afọ

Makà afọ 7 wee gbagoò


Nweta app a ebe ị banyere n'akaụntụ Microsoft gị ma kwakọnye n'ihe ruru njiarụ iri Windows 10 gasị.


Onye nrụpụta ngwaahịa ahụ kwenyere na ngwaahịa tozuru ihe ndị achọrọ maka nnwetaòhèrè, na-eme ka ọ dị mfe maka mmadụ niile iji ya rụọ ọrụ.

Asụsụ akwadoro

English (United States)

Usoro mgbakwụnye ọzọ

Halo Recruit iwu nzuzo
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