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Supporting your healthcare organization and community during crises

Before working for Microsoft I worked for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK for nine years, and we had to deal with complex and significant situations regularly, but nothing with the scale and impact of the current pandemic crisis. At Microsoftwe know we’re several steps away from our healthcare customers on the front lines, but we feel the need to help those customers and partners in whatever way possibleThey have shared with us how the current situation creates unexpected challenges as they work to handle the overwhelming demand for care, support of their first-line clinicians, and the need for vital medical resources.   

I’ve been inspired by the work that many of our customers have undertaken over the last few weekslike stories from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  Providence St. Joseph Health in Washington State, Helsinki University Hospital in Finland, St. Luke’s University Health Network in Pennsylvania State, and National Health Service in the UK. They have implemented technologies in their regions and have seen a real difference in scaling their capacity, patient responsiveness, and remote worker support. 

Working together to make a difference

The other thing that I’ve found inspiring is watching our customers, partners, and Microsoft employees put aside normal business and come together to figure out what we can do together to help—and make a real difference. I’m proud of how our company has responded by making critical platforms and capabilities available at no cost, like in the examples mentioned above. Our teams are contacting customers to help make them aware of the available assistance, so they know there’s support to help during this crisis. Below are resources to help healthcare provider organizations as they deliver largescale messages to their employees, remote facilities, and support their communities at large:  

As the world continues to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19, our thoughts are with the people affected and the medical and essential service professionals working around the clock to help those in need and help each of us and our families. I see social posts from many of my friends and former colleagues from the NHS sharing how hard their roles are right now in this crisis, but also how proud they are to be making a difference. I am honored to have worked with these amazing people in the past and honored to help support our healthcare customers and partners. 

I also recognize how lucky I am to work for Microsoft—both in terms of the people I get to work and how well we are supported—and if you want to find more on how Microsoft is working to support employees, customers, partners, and communitiesread the recent post on LinkedIn from our CEO Satya Nadella.  

You will find the latest information, updates, and resources from Microsoft here: Responding to COVID-19 together. 

Join us in an industry community of your peers at the Microsoft Healthcare and Life Sciences Tech Community.