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Notes to Financial Statements continued (in millions)


Convertible Preferred Stock

During 1996, Microsoft issued 12.5 million shares of 2.75% convertible exchangeable principal-protected preferred stock. Net proceeds of $980 million were used to repurchase common shares. The Company's convertible preferred stock matured on December 15, 1999. Each preferred share was converted into 1.1273 common shares.


Common Stock                  
Shares of common stock outstanding were as follows:                  
Year Ended June 30 1998    1999    2000   
Balance, beginning of year 4,816    4,940    5,109   
Issued 202    213    229   
Repurchased (78 ) (44 ) (55 )
   Balance, end of year 4,940    5,109    5,283   

Repurchase Program
In January 2000, the Company terminated its stock buyback program. Prior to this termination, the Company periodically repurchased its common shares in the open market to provide shares for issuance to employees under stock option and stock purchase plans. During 1998, the Company executed two forward settlement structured repurchase agreements with an independent third party totaling 42 million shares of stock and paid cash for a portion of the purchase price. In 1999, the Company settled the agreements by returning 28 million shares of stock, based upon the stock price on the date of settlement. The timing and method of settlement were at the discretion of the Company. The differential between the cash paid and the price of Microsoft common stock on the date of the agreement was originally reflected in common stock and paid-in capital.


Put Warrants

Prior to the termination of the stock buyback program, Microsoft enhanced the program by selling put warrants to independent third parties. These put warrants entitle the holders to sell shares of Microsoft common stock to the Company on certain dates at specified prices. On June 30, 2000, warrants to put 157 million shares were outstanding with strike prices ranging from $70 to $78 per share. The put warrants expire between September 2000 and December 2002. The outstanding put warrants permit a net-share settlement at the Company's option and do not result in a put warrant liability on the balance sheet.


Other Comprehensive Income

The changes in the components of other comprehensive income are as follows:

Year Ended June 30 1998    1999    2000   
Net unrealized investment gains/(losses):                  
Unrealized holding gains, net of tax effect of $355 in 1998,                  
  $772 in 1999, and $248 in 2000 $  660    $ 1,432    $   531   
Reclassification adjustment for gains included in                  
  net income, net of tax effect of $(18) in 1998,                  
  $(205) in 1999, and $(420) in 2000 (33 ) (380 ) (814 )
     Net unrealized investment gains/(losses) 627    1,052    (283 )
Translation adjustments and other (124 ) 69    23   
        Other comprehensive income/(loss) $  503    $ 1,121    $ (260 )


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Last updated May 27, 2010

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