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ARMED! is a sci-fi turn-based multiplayer strategy game created by indie studio, Sickhead Games. Part RTS, part tabletop strategy, ARMED! puts you in command of a fleet of futuristic tanks, turrets, and robots with one mission: infiltrate enemy territory, crush their forces, and destroy their headquarters. Play ranked head-to-head games against online opponents, challenge your friends to a correspondence game, or battle the AI in single player mode. Go ahead... get ARMED!


Nýtt í þessari útgáfu

This is a small patch to the 1.8 release which contains a few critical fixes: - Improved touch responsiveness on touch screen devices. - Hud controls are no longer blocked by appearance of house ad. - Updated to latest Microsoft Ad SDK. - Fixed crash which sometimes occurs on match startup. - Fixed infrequent crash when requesting multiplayer match info. - Desync reports are re-enabled on multiplayer match failures. - Game music no longer plays over existing background music. Please visit http://www.armedgame.com/news for full change logs and further details.


  • Seven maps with unique artwork and tactical terrain features.
  • 13 defensive and offensive units to command into battle.
  • Over 50 unit upgrades and special attacks to help turn the tide.
  • Simultaneous turn online multiplayer with ratings and matchmaking.
  • Challenge your friends to a multiplayer matches.
  • Step by step tutorial that gets you right into the game.
  • Tile updates with turn notifications.
  • Track your stats and rankings on the real time leaderboards.


Útgefið af

Sickhead Games LLC


Copyright © 2011-2012, Sickhead Games, LLC.

Þróunaraðili er

Sickhead Games LLC



Áætluð stærð

68,39 MB


Fyrir 12 ára og eldri



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English (United States)

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