Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition er ekki í boði eins og stendur.


The Royal edition of Crusader Kings III is the obvious choice for aspiring nobles looking to create a dynasty that lasts throughout the ages. It includes Crusader Kings III, an Expansion pass covering the first three upcoming expansions and the Expansion Pass bonus Fashion of the Abbasid Court. Guide a historical dynasty through the centuries. Gather new lands and titles to cement your legacy. Knights, peasant revolts, pilgrimages, Viking raiders... experience the drama and pageantry of the Middle Ages. Be a faithful adherent of your religion, embrace heresy, or start your own faith on the wreckage of failed belief systems. DEVELOP CHARACTER Adopt one of five different lifestyles, perfecting your skills in military strategy or kingdom management. Character traits guide your actions and affect outcomes. Characters that act against their nature develop stress that could bring a new host of troubles. Raise your heirs to be worthy successors, training them yourself, or giving them as ward to a trusted friend or ally. Unworthy heirs are risky, unless you can find a way to get rid of them - legally or otherwise. Choose to use fear as a weapon, using your dreadful reputation to intimidate vassals and family. WAGE WAR Supplement your royal levies with professional infantry, cavalry, and siege weapons, as well as exotic regional units. Research new technologies to increase the wealth and military might of your realm. Hire mercenaries and Holy Orders for your major wars. PLAN INTRIGUES Spy on your court to discover plots against your dynasty and your rule. Find allies in the courts of rivals you are targeting for schemes. Seduce other characters for love or political power. Do favors for your subjects so they will owe you loyalty - or support for your plots against your enemies.



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Paradox Interactive


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Paradox Development Studio



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