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Find a scenic cove on the banks of a mountain lake where everyone’s waiting for you! Play the lead role in your very own adventure: make friends, build a farm in your own style and breathe new life into the renowned mansion of family thrill-seekers - the Foggs. Kick back on your idyllic farm, recharge your batteries then set off on exciting, addicting adventures in a wild world full of romance and moving moments! Lush landscapes will unroll before your eyes, along with the stories of the local folk and your family secrets. - Travel, build, cultivate, solve puzzles and find solid friends in the incomparable world of Spring Valley - be what a brave hero can be! - Build the greatest farm! Harvest crops, nurture your animals, produce goods for folk in the city and for expeditions, and discover new recipes! - Uncover and unravel the mystery and secrets hidden in the family mansion and make it a magnificent home with a lush garden and an intriguing ambience! - Meet all the characters! Brave Sid and his cat Captain Meatball, pretty Madeline, kind soul Matthew, and his charismatic sister Tiffany can’t wait for you to get to town! - Make friends with characters in the game! Go on dates or lend them a hand to get gifts and more of the fun story! - Go on a journey with your new friends, discover unique and wild nooks of the countryside as you explore, while soaking in the beauty of the landscapes created for each adventure! - Solve addicting puzzles on expeditions, fix up buildings that hide new secrets and collect rare resources!


Fólk kann einnig að meta


  • Farm
  • Adventures
  • Immersive storyline
  • Character customization
  • Mini games


Útgefið af

Playkot Ltd

Þróunaraðili er

Playkot Ltd



Áætluð stærð

189,2 MB


Fyrir 3 ára og eldri

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