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Little Girl Magic is a child care and dress-up game for people who love to take care of kids. Adopt a 7-year-old little girl and dress her! Feed your girl when hungry! You have to feed your daughter when hungry. Your daughter has to be with energy level 30. You earn points for feeding your daughter. Another way to earn points is by care actions: helping your daughter with hairdo, helping with homework, playing playstation, sewing and others. The game allows you to change costumes and hairdo styles. Types of costumes available: sport, casual, working, evening and night. The goal of the game - in exchange for earned points purchase all available items for all available rooms and for the Backyard. And purchase all available toys. Egg Hunt. Another goal is to hunt, find, collect and complete the collection of mini trophy creatures. You need to look for eggs, hunt, crack and hatch and finally own creatures which are inside the eggs. The eggs can be found randomly in different game locations. Need to wait after each crack in order to proceed with the following crack. The egg will be hatched after 3 cracks. The egg which was cracked once can be found in the same location. Karma represents your overall game progress and player experience. **** The girl will respond to the sounds of click on the Main screen. You can change the sound settings in the Account screen. In-app Products $1.99 - $5.99 per item


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Jaunumi šajā versijā

Thanks for using Little Girl Magic! To make our game better for you, we release updates regularly. Every update of our Little Girl Magic game includes improvements in graphics art and animations as well as for playing comfort and reliability. We regularly add new items to the existing collections. Once in a while we add new features and new game locations for you in the game.


  • Adopt a 7-year-old little girl and dress her! Feed your girl when hungry.
  • Help your daughter with hairdo, helping with homework, playing playstation, sewing and others.
  • Change costumes and hairdo styles. Types of costumes available: sport, casual, working, evening and night.
  • Purchase all available items for all available rooms and for the Backyard.




Copyright LLC



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140,75 MB

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Iegūstiet šo programmu, kad esat pierakstījies savā Microsoft kontā, un instalējiet programmu līdz pat desmit Windows 10 ierīcēs.


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English (United States)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
Türkçe (Türkiye)
Português (Portugal)

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