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Adventure awaits you and your friends in the world of Ylands. Gather resources, craft tools, construct anything, and explore the lands! Build a ship and set sail, encountering mythical animals, a wide variety of sea-life, enemies of all kinds and much more. Discover the rich lore of Classy Adventurers Guild and background stories in a stunning low-poly visuals and relaxed atmosphere. EXPLORE • Six unique regions with characteristic resources and wildlife in each. • Ocean biotopes populated by sharks, fish and other sea-life. • Sail between ylands to discover dozens of Random Encounters. • Use your Adventurers Handbook to explore the rich lore of the world. CRAFT & BUILD • Gather resources to craft tools, weapons, workstations, clothes, armor, decorations and more! • Build your own ship to travel around the vast world of Ylands. • Find a place you like, build your home and invite your friends over! FIGHT • Defend yourself from a variety of wildlife. • Encounter various enemies based on location and time of day. • Make sure you have the right equipment before exploring caves, they are well guarded! Game Modes • Adventure - The main game mode that you can enjoy with friends or on your own. The core game, where you can explore the world, gather resources to craft and build, sail between regions and more! • Creative Mode - Have all the resources available to you so that you can delve into the almost limitless possibilities of the visually stunning world of Ylands. • Editor - Build your very own Blueprints of ships, buildings or other structures, which you can use in Adventure mode and also gift and sell to others! • Available on Mobile - Ylands is available on mobile devices as well. Check out your mobile store! Made by Bohemia Interactive Ylands is made by Bohemia Interactive in the Unity 3D engine. Bohemia Interactive is a Czech gaming studio known for the Arma series, DayZ and Vigor.




Bohemia Interactive a.s.

Izlaišanas datums


Aptuvenais lielums

2,98 GB

Vecuma ierobežojums

No 12 gadu vecuma



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Iegūstiet šo programmu, kad esat pierakstījies savā Microsoft kontā, un instalējiet programmu līdz pat desmit Windows 10 ierīcēs.

Atbalstītā valoda

English (United States)

Informācija par izdevēju

Ylands tīmekļa vietne

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