Trace Id is missing

Protect your data at every layer

Control access. Encrypt data. Monitor activities. Help secure your data at rest or in motion using layers of protection built into SQL Server—the database with the least vulnerabilities of any major platform over the last seven years.[1]

Beschermingslagen implementeren met SQL Server-beveiliging

Data encryption

Encrypt data at rest or in motion with Transparent Data Encryption and Always Encrypted in SQL Server.

Database access

Easily manage access to the database with SQL Server logins and permissions or Active Directory integration.

Application access

Help prevent unauthorized access to application data with row-level security and dynamic data masking.

Monitoring and insights

Detect threats and data breaches with SQL Server auditing and Windows Server anti-malware.

Afbeelding van een microchip met een vergrendeling erop

Gecertificeerd om te voldoen aan het Common Criteria-beschermingsprofiel

Identify which versions of SQL Server have achieved accreditation (CC, ISO15408) for the Common Criteria, an international security and compliance evaluation standard, plus get links to Security Target information.

Bronnen over SQL Server-beveiliging

[1] National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Vulnerability Database, 24 oktober 2016.

Aan de slag met SQL Server 2019

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