

In anticipation of the third part of the continuation of a favorite of many games «Defense zone» , it was decided to make all her fans and share for free download their unique version of the game that surely will be appreciated by fans of the series «Defense zone» and genre of Tower Defense. This version is the first version of «Defense zone», as it was before the advent of options HellFire ( temporary increase in power ) and the change balance levels of the game . Enjoy the increased complexity of all 10 levels for free and without advertising. Description. Stunning detail of levels, in-depth gameplay, finely tuned balance of all levels and turrets. During the game you will hold your defence with your turrets against the massive hordes of enemies. With every level you will have the use of new weapons at your command.It is up to you, commander, how to spend the resources: restore and upgrade your veteran units or to purchase some new ones. Different types of weaponry and landscape provide you with a variety of choices of defence tactics. Choosing the right weapons and the correct placement is key to any successful defense. The weapons have different firepower, rate of fire, firing range, blast radius and price.

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Dodatkowe informacje


Kotov Artem Valerevich IP

Prawa autorskie

Artem Kotov


Kotov Artem Valerevich IP

Data wydania


Przybliżony rozmiar

179,54 MB

Klasyfikacja wiekowa

7 lat lub więcej



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Możesz pobrać tę aplikację, gdy zalogujesz się na swoje konto Microsoft, i zainstalować ją na maksymalnie 10 urządzeniach z systemem Windows 10.

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English (United States)

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