

This is the preview version of 2DCraft, you can find 2DCraft by searching it or looking on my developer page. 2DCraft is a fun game where you can place and destroy blocks, and all sorts of things; try it out yourself!

Capturas de tela

Novidades nesta versão

Version 0.9 Snapshot 4g: Fix bug with saving of worlds from previous snapshot Improve performance of screenshots menu Improve high DPI support Improve crash dialog Other fixes and improvements Version 0.9 Snapshot 4f: Improved performance of whole game Improved performance particularly of saving and rendering inventory, background, hotbar, and text Fix bugs with invalid world names Fix crash related to empty item stack Allow glass above growing grass Implement hovering over world folder (in new world menu) and image path (in screenshots menu) to show full path Improve placing and removing when dragging mouse Improve left click to select hotbar item Update F3 menu with new information and simplify it Fix some bugs with disposal Fix crash when changing GPU on Parallels VM Fix screenshots menu for DPI changes Fix a menu navigation bug Various internal changes Various improvements Various bug fixes Significant allocation reduction (reduces lag spikes) Version 0.9 Snapshot 4e: Improved performance Make ice slippery Improvements to creative inventory Fully fix missing pixel row/column glitch Various internal changes Various improvements Various bug fixes Significant allocation reduction (reduces lag spikes) Version 0.9 Snapshot 4d: Fix a NullReferenceException when opening / creating a world occasionally Fix mods modifying menu (mainly so mods can be removed) Various bug fixes

Informações adicionais

Publicado por

hamarb123 FunBandit29

Direitos autorais

hamarb123 FunBandit29 © 2015 - 2022

Data de lançamento


Tamanho aproximado

199,57 MB

Classificação etária

Para todas as idades


Ação e aventura

Este app pode

Aceder a todos os ficheiros, dispositivos periféricos, aplicações, programas e registo
Acessar a conexão com a Internet
Gerar código dinamicamente
Sistema de Ficheiros


Baixe este app enquanto estiver conectado em sua conta da Microsoft e instale-o em até dez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatível

English (United States)

Termos adicionais

Política de privacidade de 2DCraft Preview
Termos da transação
Termos de licença de 2DCraft Preview
By installing you agree to the license/EULA at

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