

Chaos Chambers is all about speed and acute accuracy. Rev up your little Cube Geometry dude and let him loose through vast, brightly lit chambers and tunnels when you’ll need to learn to jump high, double jump and flap! Find the energy for that extra spring in your step to get you through 100’s of brutal obstacles and beware, many eyes will be watching your journey and there are traps a plenty as you dash through the Chaos Chambers. Dodge and Dash amongst flying blocks and negotiate floors and ledges that fall away at the slightest touch, run through bubbling geometry pits and alleys that could lead you, well anywhere, timing and bravery is crucial for your survival! About Chaos Chambers: You’ll enter a vibrant, minimalistic world where you must help our super smart and uber speedy hero single jump, flap, slide, flip, dash and spring your way through utter mayhem in this fast paced arcade action endless runner game. Can you blast your way through all 140 rooms and reach all 16 Chaos Chambers Checkpoints along the way? Chaos Chambers Features: - Enter 140 Geometry Rooms through 16 Checkpoints - Minimalistic One Touch Controls - Rocking Upbeat Soundtrack - Game Centre Leaderboard - Manic Arcade Action Gameplay Be sure to share your scores with us :) Let's be Facebook Friends: ▶ Follow Us on Twitter: ▶ Add Us on Instagram: ▶

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Publicado por

RisingHigh Studio

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© RisingHigh Studio -

Desenvolvido por

RisingHigh Studio

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Tamanho aproximado

12,45 MB

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Baixe este app enquanto estiver conectado em sua conta da Microsoft e instale-o em até dez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatível

English (United States)

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