HoloLens future highlights wide ranging vision research at ECCV


By Marc Pollefeys, Partner Director of Science, HoloLens and Jamie Shotton, Partner Scientist Lead, HoloLens

Microsoft Research's HoloLens Director of Science at ECCVJamie Shotton, Partner Scientist Lead, HoloLensWe are pleased to announce Microsoft’s Platinum sponsorship of the 14th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) in Amsterdam from October 8-16. ECCV is one of the top international conferences on computer vision research. Microsoft researchers, scientists, and engineers will be participating in the discussion with dozens of talks and posters, a workshop co-organized by Zhengyou Zhang on Computer Vision for Audio-Visual Media, and a keynote by Changhu Wang at the first workshop on Visual Analysis of Sketches.

This is a golden age for computer vision. Research breakthroughs are leaving the lab and getting into users’ hands in record time. Computer vision now plays a pivotal role in many advances benefitting society, such as autonomous vehicles, improved biometric security, and medical imaging. But out of all these innovations, one really stands out to us as having the potential to completely upend how we access information and communicate with each other: mixed reality. Spurred by recent developments in SLAM, 3D reconstruction, gesture recognition, and scene understanding, we’re already experiencing it in the form of groundbreaking products including Microsoft HoloLens.

Microsoft Research blog

Microsoft at FAccT 2024: Advancing responsible AI research and practice

From studying how to identify gender bias in Hindi to uncovering AI-related risks for workers, Microsoft is making key contributions towards advancing the state of the art in responsible AI research. Check out their work at ACM FAccT 2024.

But we’re just at the start of our journey. Many deep research questions and difficult engineering challenges remain if we are to deliver the ultimate promise of mixed reality. And so, to help invent this future, we’ve just announced the formation of a new HoloLens computer vision research team at Microsoft in Cambridge, UK. Poised to expand substantially over the coming months, we’re looking for people who love to build amazing new technology and have the strong blend of research, engineering, and mathematics they’ll need to thrive with us.

If you’re attending ECCV please stop by our booth and talk to us about computer vision at Microsoft, and opportunities in Cambridge, Redmond, and beyond.

We look forward to meeting you!

In addition to the main plenary sessions, the conference will include the following keynotes, workshops, demonstrations and exhibits by Microsoft employees.

Conference organization

  • Gang Hua, Workshop Chair
  • Sebastian Nowozin, Area Chair
  • Jingdong Wang, Area Chair



Accepted Papers

Microsoft Attendees at ECCV 2016

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