Microsoft Research gives promising computer science faculty a boost


The time for new faculty members to take risks in research is early in their careers. However, early-career realities often get in the way. As any tenure-track academic knows, the first few years of one’s career can be a seemingly endless process of writing grant proposals. The Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships liberate promising young researchers from this task, allowing them the freedom to conduct research to advance computer science in bold new directions with minimal distractions.

Meet the winners of the 2013 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships (opens in new tab)

Each year since 2005, we’ve awarded the Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships (opens in new tab) to innovative and exceptionally talented, early-career faculty members from a variety of research institutions. The recently announced 2013 fellowships continue this tradition of supporting the brightest young academics in the field of computer science to pursue their visions and make an impact—a tangible manifestation of our commitment to collaborating with the scholarly community to use computing to solve global problems.

Microsoft Research Podcast

What’s Your Story: Jacki O’Neill

Jacki O'Neill saw an opportunity to expand Microsoft research efforts to Africa. She now leads Microsoft Research Africa, Nairobi (formerly MARI). O'Neill talks about the choices that got her there, the lab’s impact, and how living abroad is good for innovation.

The seven 2013 Faculty Fellows (opens in new tab) were selected from four regions: (1) Latin America and the Caribbean; (2) Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; (3) the United States and Canada; and (4) Australia and New Zealand. All seven fellows are pursuing breakthrough, high-impact research that has the potential to help alleviate some of today’s most challenging problems. For example:

  • Michael Schapira, a senior lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (opens in new tab), is conducting research to design practical Internet protocols that will improve web performance and security by providing “provable guarantees” for such attributes as routing and traffic management.
  • Animashree Anandkumar, assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine (opens in new tab), is applying large-scale machine learning and high-dimensional statistics to various problems in social networking and computational biology.
  • Monica Tentori, assistant professor at Mexico’s Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (opens in new tab) (CICESE), is researching human-computer interactions and ubiquitous computing, particularly on the design, development, and evaluation of natural user interfaces and self-reflection capture tools—work that helps support the needs of urban residents, hospital workers, and the elderly.

Joining Michael, Animashree, and Monica are:

With these awards, the Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship program now has provided support to 59 academic investigators whose exceptional talent for research and innovation in computer science identifies them as emerging leaders in their fields. As the computer industry’s leading research laboratory, we are committed to creating opportunities for researchers around the world to make an impact, and we are delighted to provide fellowships to advance the work of promising young faculty members.

Jaime Puente (opens in new tab), Director, Chair of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship Program, Microsoft Research Connections

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