Established: August 1, 2016

DMTK is an open source project running in our group to share our recent research output on distributed machine learning with open source community.  It contains our Multiverso parameter server platform and many of our distributed algorithms like distributed DNN, LR, Word Embedding, LDA, GBDT. Machine learning practitioners can easily leverage our powerful distributed machine learning algorithm to deal with their machine learning problems. What’s more, with this parameter server infrastructure, machine learning researchers can also build their own distributed machine learning algorithms on top of our framework with small modifications to their existing single-machine algorithms, or they can also implement their new parallel algorithms and test them based on existing machine learning tasks we provided. We believe that in order to push the frontier of distributed machine learning, we need the collective effort from the entire community, and need the organic combination of both machine learning innovations and system innovations. This belief strongly motivates us to open source the DMTK project.


Portrait of Junjie Li

Junjie Li

Senior Research SDE

Portrait of Tie-Yan Liu

Tie-Yan Liu

Distinguished Scientist, Microsoft Research AI for Science