
Traditional CPUs are general, but this comes at a cost (called “Turing tax”). They are more expensive and less efficient than specialized hardware. This raises the question: should we build CPU-free nodes? CPU-free nodes only have custom hardware and storage. We envision that in the future distributed systems, like data stores and storage systems, will run on a large collection of CPU-free nodes. The fast path will execute entirely in custom hardware. Only control-plane operations will execute on CPUs. This will result in better performance, higher efficiency, and lower cost. Realizing this vision requires solving many challenges including data structure and hardware co-design, providing sharing and isolation, security and management. These are all different from a traditional system running with the CPU and the OS.

Project Honeycomb is tackling the challenges of building complex abstractions in custom hardware. We are targeting common abstractions, such as hashtables, B-trees, scans, updates, aggregation, and filtering. These abstractions are used by many systems and they would all benefit from efficient hardware implementations. We are using FPGAs today.


Portrait of Junyi Liu

Junyi Liu

Senior Researcher