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Microsoft DeepDev

Microsoft DeepDev is currently in private preview

At the Data & AI research team of Microsoft Developer Division (DevDiv), we have the mission of using data and AI to empower every developer and their team to achieve more. As part of our mandate to improve developer productivity, we invest heavily in research and development of deep learning methods. Our research scientists work and collaborate with research and development partners across the company to create models adapted for a diverse set of software engineering tasks. Using a vast collection of open-source data and Microsoft’s own internal data, our researchers have developed and trained many state-of-the-art models that are not only powerful but also resource efficient and incredibly fast.

Furthermore, at DevDiv, we believe that providing access to this research is essential for rapid global progress; and today, we are sharing much of our work with the research community through our Microsoft DeepDev platform.

Microsoft DeepDev is our platform for sharing our latest innovations and deep learning models aimed at software engineering tasks. In Microsoft DeepDev, you can query and experiment with our library of models, such as GPT-C for code generation, DeepDev-Transpiler for code translation, DeepDev-Test for unit-test generation, MergeBert for merge conflict resolution, and many others. Additionally, more models will be added to Microsoft DeepDev over time, as we continue to refine them.

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Microsoft DeepDev is currently in private preview. You can sign up for Microsoft DeepDev Private Preview (opens in new tab) to get access and to stay up to date on the latest features and models on DeepDev.