Cooking Coach Spoken/Multimodal Dialogue Systems

  • Romain Laroche ,
  • Jan Dziekan ,
  • Laurent Roussarie ,
  • Piotr Baczyk

Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Cooking with Computers |

The use of a cookbook is quite awkward. Your working space is dirty, overloaded with kitchen utensils, your hands are probably busy, dirty or both and it is difficult for your eyes to keep track of the step you are working on. As a result, you keep go-ing back and forth between the work surface and the cookbook, you lose time, track and may even forget a component as an unfortunate result of the mess. Spoken dialogue systems are relevant for helping in a cooking task. Indeed, it can be performed without any device. This demonstration shows and describes Cooking Coach, two dialogue systems (one vocal and one multimodal) helping the user to search for a recipe, to check that she has all the ingredients and to prepare the recipe.