Discovering Related Data At Scale

  • Sagar Bharadwaj ,
  • Praveen Gupta ,
  • Ranjita Bhagwan ,

VLDB Endowment | , Vol 14(8)

Analysts frequently require data from multiple sources for their tasks, but finding these sources is challenging in exabyte-scale data lakes. In this paper, we address this problem for our enterprise’s data lake by using machine-learning to identify related data sources. Leveraging queries made to the data lake over a month, we build a relevance model that determines whether two columns across two data streams are related or not. We then use the model to find relations at scale across tens of millions of column-pairs and thereafter construct a data relationship graph in a scalable fashion, processing a data lake that has 4.5 Petabytes of data in approximately 80 minutes. Using manually labeled datasets as ground-truth, we show that our techniques show improvements of at least 23% when compared to state-of-the-art methods.