Height Estimation of Children under Five Years using Depth Images.

  • Anusua Trivedi ,
  • ,
  • Nikhil Kumar Gupta ,
  • Markus Hinsche ,
  • Prashant Singh ,
  • Markus Matiaschek ,
  • Tristan Behrens ,
  • Mirco Militeri ,
  • Cameron Birge ,
  • Shivangi Kaushik ,
  • Archisman Mohapatra ,
  • Rita Chatterjee ,
  • Rahul Dodhia ,
  • Juan Lavista Ferres ,

IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) |

Published by IEEE

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Malnutrition is a global health crisis and is the leading cause of death among children under five. Detecting malnutrition requires anthropometric measurements of weight, height, and middle-upper arm circumference. However, measuring them accurately is a challenge, especially in the global south, due to limited resources. In this work, we propose a CNN-based approach to estimate the height of standing children under five years from depth images collected using a smart-phone. According to the SMART Methodology Manual [5], the acceptable accuracy for height is less than 1.4 cm. On training our deep learning model on 87131 depth images, our model achieved an average mean absolute error of 1.64% on 57064 test images. For 70.3% test images, we estimated height accurately within the acceptable 1.4 cm range. Thus, our proposed solution can accurately detect stunting (low height-for-age) in standing children below five years of age.