IdeaPanel: A Large Scale Inter-active Sketch-based Image Search System

  • Changcheng Xiao ,
  • Changhu Wang ,
  • Liqing Zhang ,
  • Lei Zhang

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) |

In this work, we introduce the IdeaPanel system, an inter-
active sketch-based image search engine with millions of im-
ages. IdeaPanel enables users to sketch the target image
in their minds and also supports tagging to describe their
intentions. After a search is triggered, similar images will
be returned in real time, based on which users can inter-
actively re ne their query sketches until ideal images are
returned. Di erent from existing work, most of which re-
quires a huge amount of memory for indexing and match-
ing, IdeaPanel can achieve very competitive performance but
requires much less memory storage. IdeaPanel needs only
about 240MB memory to index 1:3M images (less than 3%
of previous MindFinder system). Due to its high accuracy
and low memory cost, IdealPanel can scale up to much larg-
er database and thus has larger potential to return the most
desired images for users.