InsightPilot: An LLM-Empowered Automated Data Exploration System

EMNLP 2023 |

Organized by ACL special interest group on linguistic data (SIGDAT)

Exploring data is crucial in data analysis, as it helps users understand and interpret the data more effectively. However, performing effective data exploration requires in-depth knowledge of the dataset, the user intent and expertise in data analysis techniques. Not being familiar with either can create obstacles that make the process time-consuming and overwhelming.

To address this issue, we introduce InsightPilot, an LLM (Large Language Model)-based, automated data exploration system designed to simplify the data exploration process. InsightPilot features a set of carefully designed analysis actions that streamline the data exploration process. Given a natural language question, InsightPilot collaborates with the LLM to issue a sequence of analysis actions, explore the data and generate insights. We demonstrate the effectiveness of InsightPilot in a user study and a case study, showing how it can help users gain valuable insights from their datasets.