Ontologically Faithful Generation of Non-Player Character Dialogues

arXiv: Computation and Language |


We introduce a language generation task grounded in a popular video game environment. KNUDGE (KNowledge Constrained User-NPC Dialogue GEneration) involves generating dialogue trees conditioned on an ontology captured in natural language passages providing quest and entity specifications. KNUDGE is constructed from side quest dialogues drawn directly from game data of Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds, leading to real-world complexities in generation: (1) dialogues are branching trees as opposed to linear chains of utterances; (2) utterances must remain faithful to the game lore–character personas, backstories, and entity relationships; and (3) a dialogue must accurately reveal new quest-related details to the human player. We report results for supervised and in-context learning techniques, finding there is significant room for future work on creating realistic game-quality dialogues.