Overview of the TREC 2023 Tip-of-the-Tongue Track

  • Jaime Arguello ,
  • Samarth Bhargav ,
  • Fernando Diaz ,
  • Evangelos Kanoulas ,

Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) |

Published by TREC | Organized by NIST

Tip-of-the-tongue (ToT) known-item retrieval involves supporting searchers interested in refinding a previously encountered item for which they are unable to reliably recall an identifier. ToT requests tend to be verbose and include several complex phenomena, making them especially difficult for existing information retrieval systems. The TREC 2023 ToT track focused on a single ad-hoc retrieval task in the movie domain. Requests were sampled from an existing ToT dataset and the document corpus consisted of a subset of Wikipedia pages associated with the “audiovisual works” category. This year 11 groups submitted a total of 33 runs. Consistent with earlier findings, there is a negative correlation between query length and retrieval performance. We found that successful teams were able to leverage large external datasets to substantially improve performance. While a closed large language model managed to beat 26 participant runs, it did so with much lower recall.

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TREC Tip-of-the-Tongue Track

April 24, 2024

Tip-of-the-tongue (ToT) known-item retrieval is defined as "an item identification task in which the searcher has previously experienced an item but cannot recall a reliable identifier" (i.e., "It’s on the tip of my tongue…"). The TREC ToT track aims to develop IR systems that can successfully resolve ToT information needs. Progress in this area will likely benefit other IR systems that must deal with memory assistance, such as personal information management (PIM) systems (e.g., email re-finding).