Urban Computing with Taxicabs

Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing |

Published by Ubicomp 2011

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Urban computing for city planning is one of the most significant applications in Ubiquitous computing. In this paper we detect flawed urban planning using the GPS trajectories of taxicabs traveling in urban areas. The detected results consist of 1) pairs of regions with salient traffic problems and 2) the linking structure as well as correlation among them. These results can evaluate the effectiveness of the carried out planning, such as a newly built road and subway lines in a city, and remind city planners of a problem that has not been recognized when they conceive future plans. We conduct our method using the trajectories generated by 30,000 taxis from March to May in 2009 and 2010 in Beijing, and evaluate our results with the real urban planning of Beijing.

Urban Computing with Taxicabs

This video showcases three application scenarios that have been enabled in the urban computing project. 1) Finding smart driving direction based on taxi trajectories; 2) A passenger-cabbie recommender system; 3) Glean the flawed urban planning in terms of people's city-wide mobility patterns learned from taxi trajectories. Contact: Yu Zheng, Researcher at Microsoft Research Asia, yuzheng@microsoft.com