Confidential Computing

Confidential computing allows users to upload encrypted code and data to the cloud and get encrypted results back with guaranteed privacy. Confidential computing means cloud providers can’t see customers’ secrets even if cloud administrators are malicious or hackers have exploited kernel bugs in hosts. This session discusses research on confidential computing, including secure hardware containers, operating systems, compilers for secure code generation, cryptography, and redesigning cloud services.

Speaker Details
Mark Russinovich is Chief Technology Officer for Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s global enterprise-grade cloud platform. A widely recognized expert in distributed systems and operating systems, Mark earned a Ph.D. in computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He later co-founded Winternals Software, joining Microsoft in 2006 when the company was acquired. Today he remains the primary author of the Sysinternals tools and website, which include dozens of popular Windows administration and diagnostic utilities. Mark is a popular speaker at industry conferences such as IPExpo, Microsoft Ignite and Build, and RSA Conference. He has also authored several nonfiction and fiction books, including the Microsoft Press Windows Internals book series, as well as fictional cyber security thrillers Zero Day, Trojan Horse and Rogue Code.
Srini Devadas
Peter Pietzuch
Manuel Costa, Mark Russinovich, Dawn Song, Srini Devadas, Peter Pietzuch

Series: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit