Keynote: Biology: A Move to Dry Labs

Since its beginning, the wet lab has been the key driver in biological discovery. Recently, however, more and more science is getting done in dry labs, those where only computational analysis is done. The presentation will include examples, ranging from genomics to vaccine design.

Speaker Details

David Heckerman is a Distinguished Scientist managing the eScience Group at Microsoft Research. Since 1992, he has been a senior researcher at Microsoft, where he has created applications including the first machine-learning spam filter, data-mining tools in SQL Server and Commerce Server, handwriting recognition in the Tablet PC, text mining software in SharePoint Portal Server, troubleshooters in Windows, and the Answer Wizard in Microsoft Office. Heckerman’s technical work has concentrated on methods for learning probabilistic graphical models from data. General applications of his work include computational biology, data mining, intelligent systems, and causal discovery. Currently, Heckerman is applying his technical work to the design of a vaccine for HIV and to the search for genetic causes of disease. He received his Ph.D. (1990) and M.D. (1992) from Stanford University. His Ph.D. dissertation received the ACM doctoral dissertation award. David is an Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fellow.

David Heckerman
Microsoft Research