The Golem Project: a Laboratory for the Construction of Service Robots

A service robot is a system with inferential, perceptual, and action capabilities oriented to assist people with diverse daily living tasks. In this talk, we present an overview of the conceptual framework and methodology that went into the construction of the Golem series of service robots, which were developed over the last few years by the Golem group at IIMAS, UNAM. We discuss the current state of the technology, highlighting the kinds of advances that are required for service robots to perform well in the RoboCup competition, especially in the @Home category. The talk concludes with two reflections: one about the value of service robots in practical settings, and the other about the construction of service robots as a case study of technological development in the Latin American context.

Speaker Details

Luis Pineda is a titular investigator in the Computer Science Department at Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS) of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). His research and publications focus on computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines. Luis is also a national investigator in the Mexican System of Research (SNI), a regular member of the Mexican Academy of Science, and currently the coordinator of the Mexican Network for Research and Development in Computer Science (REMIDEC). After earning undergraduate degrees in electronics and computer science, he received his PhD in cognitive science from the University of Edinburgh.

Luis Pineda Cortes
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)