The Prompt with Trevor Noah | Episode 3: How can AI help radiologists better detect breast cancer

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related death in women, and detecting it early is critical for improving treatment outcomes. Although mammography is the most common screening method, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is more sensitive and can help to detect breast cancers even earlier. However, with any imaging tool, benign tissues can sometimes appear similar to cancer. This not only leads to unnecessary medical costs, doctor visits, and even invasive procedures for patients, but also emotional stress, uncertainty, and anxiety. How can radiologists use AI to better detect breast cancer and diagnose it even faster using MRIs?

In this episode, Microsoft’s Chief Questions Officer, Trevor Noah talks with Dr. Savannah Partridge, Professor of Radiology at the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, to discuss how AI is helping professionals quickly learn from thousands of patient images to improve the way we detect, diagnose, and rule out false positives.

Partners: UW Medicine (opens in new tab), Fred Hutch (opens in new tab)

Audio description: (opens in new tab)

Trevor Noah, Dr. Savannah Partridge

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