The TPTP World – Infrastructure for Automated Reasoning

The TPTP World is a well known and established infrastructure that supports research, development, and deployment of Automated Theorem Proving (ATP) systems for classical logics. The data, standards, and services provided by the TPTP World have made it increasingly easy to build, test, and apply ATP technology. This talk reviews the core features of the TPTP World, describes key service components of the TPTP World, presents some successful applications, and gives an overview of the most recent developments.

Speaker Details

Geoff Sutcliffe is an Associate Professor, and Director of Undergraduate Studies, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Miami. He received a BSc(Hons) and MSc from the University of Natal, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Western Australia. His research is in the area of Automated Reasoning, particularly in the evaluation and effective use of automated reasoning systems. His most prominent achievements are: the first ever development of a heterogeneous parallel deduction system, leading to the development of the SSCPA automated reasoning system; the development and ongoing maintenance of the TPTP problem library, which is now the de facto standard for testing classical logic automated reasoning systems; the development and ongoing organization of the CADE ATP System Competition – the world championship for classical logic automated reasoning systems; and the specification of the TPTP language standards for automated reasoning tools. He has contributed to the automated reasoning and artificial intelligence communities as the conference chair of the 14th and 19th International Conferences on Automated Deduction (CADE), program co-chair of the 12th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR), program co-chair of the 19th and 20th International FLAIRS Conferences, chair of the 21st FLAIRS Conference, co-founder and organizer of the “ES*” series of workshops on Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning, and as a regular program committee member and reviewer for automated reasoning and artificial intelligence journals and conferences. He has served two terms as a CADE trustee, and is currently the vice-president of FLAIRS.

Geoff Sutcliffe
University of Miami
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running