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Overview of the Marsh-Microsoft 2019 Global Cyber Risk Perception survey results

Technology is dramatically transforming the global business environment, with continual advances in areas ranging from artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to data availability and blockchain. The speed at which digital technologies evolve and disrupt traditional business models keeps increasing. At the same time, cyber risks seem to evolve even faster—moving beyond data breaches and privacy concerns to sophisticated schemes that can disrupt entire businesses, industries, supply chains, and nations—costing the economy billions of dollars and affecting companies in every sector.

The hard truth organizations must face is that cyber risk can be mitigated and managed—but it cannot be eliminated. Results from the 2019 Marsh-Microsoft Global Cyber Risk Perception survey reveal several encouraging signs of improvement in the way that organizations view and manage cyber risk. Now that cyber risk is clearly and firmly at the top of corporate risk agendas, we see a positive shift towards the adoption of more rigorous, comprehensive cyber risk management in many areas. However, many organizations still struggle with how to best articulate, approach, and act upon cyber risk within their overall enterprise risk framework—even as the tide of technological change brings new and unanticipated cyber risk complexity.

Highlights from the survey

While companies see cyber events as a top priority, confidence in cyber resilience is declining. Cyber risk became even more firmly entrenched as an organizational priority in the past two years. Yet at the same time, organizations’ confidence in their ability to manage the risk declined.

New technology brings increased cyber exposure

Technology innovation is vital to most businesses, but often adds to the complexity of an organization’s technology footprint, including its cyber risk.

Increasing interdependent digital supply chains brings new cyber risks

The increasing interdependence and digitization of supply chains brings increased cyber risk to all parties, but many firms perceive the risks as one-sided.

Appetite for government role in managing cyber risks draws mixed views

Organizations generally see government regulation and industry standards as having limited effectiveness in helping manage cyber risk—with the notable exception of nation-state attacks.

Cyber investments focus on prevention, not resilience

Many organizations focus on technology defenses and investments to prevent cyber risk, to the neglect of assessment, risk transfer, response planning, and other risk management areas that build cyber resilience.

Cyber insurance

Cyber insurance coverage is expanding to meet evolving threats, and attitudes toward policies are also shifting.

Key takeaways

At a practical level, this year’s survey points to a number of best practices that the most cyber resilient firms employ and which all firms should consider adopting:

Despite the decline in organizational confidence in the ability to manage cyber risk, we’re optimistic that more organizations are now clearly recognizing the critical nature of the threat and beginning to seek out and embrace best practices.

Effective cyber risk management requires a comprehensive approach employing risk assessment, measurement, mitigation, transfer, and planning, and the optimal program will depend on each company’s unique risk profile and tolerance.

Still, these recommendations address many of the common and most urgent aspects of cyber risk that organizations today are challenged with; as such, they should be viewed as signposts along the path to building true cyber resilience.

Learn more

Read the full 2019 Marsh-Microsoft Global Cyber Risk Perception survey or find additional report content on Marsh’s website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us at @MSFTSecurity for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.