+ Ponuja nakupe znotraj aplikacije
Ta aplikacija zahteva najnovejšo različico Microsoft Edge.


Ever wondered what one quadrillion damage per second feels like? Wonder no more! Embark on your quest to attain it today! Start out by clicking on the monster to kill them, and get their gold. Spend that gold on hiring new heroes and get more damage. The more damage you deal, the more gold you will get. Feel the power as you grow exponentially and become the greatest ever! Hire 35 unique heroes to help you do damage without having to click! Meet legendary figures from myth and legend, such as Athena, Amenhotep, King Midas, and more! They will all lend their sword to your cause, for a cost. These guys' damage per second makes your MMO characters look like kindergarteners. Spend your hard-earned loot on upgrading them to gain special powers to aid you in getting even more gold! Click your way to defeat powerful monsters. Fight over 100 different monsters, all beautifully drawn and animated. Watch out for the bosses! Need to do the laundry? Give the puppy a shower? No worries! Your heroes will farm monsters and automatically collect the gold while you're gone, even when the game is closed. But don't forget to come back and spend all that sweet gold on new heroes and upgrades!

Posnetki zaslona


  • multiplayer clans, autoclickers, ascension, heroes, bosses

Dodatne informacije



Datum izdaje

16. 04. 2024

Približna velikost

1,77 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več



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Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

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