BrezplačnoPonuja nakupe znotraj aplikacije
+ Ponuja nakupe znotraj aplikacije


Romance, garden, mansion and puzzles! If you have ever dreamed of being an interior designer, if you want to have a big mansion, then you must not miss this game! Dig into a romantic love story full of plot twists and interacts with a cast of colorful characters. Match tiles and start your mansion makeover – play with themed boosters, renovate house and garden with dozens of customization options! Help the poor heroine and her child to build a ski resort! Design new room decor and furniture by matching candy, power-up with levels and renovate your house, kitchen and even your garden! Thousands of design options will give you maximum freedom to explore your creativity, change designs any time you want, and eventually create your dream house!

Posnetki zaslona

Drugim je všeč tudi to:

Novosti v tej različici

Solve puzzle affairs, decorate the house, protect the baby from the cold!


  • Use your talents for house designing make the dilapidated manor into the prettiest ski resort in the town!
  • Enjoy a romantic story with funny and heartfelt dialogue!
  • Unlock hidden areas for rewards, makeover each room with new furniture and interesting home décor!
  • Match and swap items in a fun game to innovatively decorate your mansion, unlocking ever more chapters and unravel the secrets of this thrilling locations!
  • Participate in regular special events to collect loads of coins and special treasures!

Dodatne informacije




Play Flock

Datum izdaje

26. 04. 2023

Približna velikost

329,26 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več

Ta aplikacija lahko

Dostop do internetne povezave
Dostopajte do svoje internetne povezave in delujte kot strežnik.
Dostop do uporabniškega imena in slike računa


Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)
Français (France)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Indonesia (Indonesia)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)

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Vpišite se in prijavite to igro Microsoftu
Prijavite ta izdelek zaradi nezakonite vsebine

Pravna izjava o zavrnitvi odgovornosti

Ta prodajalec je potrdil, da bo ponujal le izdelke ali storitve, skladne z veljavno zakonodajo