

Othello is a classic board game developed by Metro Gems. It can be played between two players, or a single person can play against the computer. In each turn, a player plays a disc which converts discs belonging to the opponent to the player's own color. The game will continue in this manner until the board is full, or neither player can play a turn. The goal is to end the game such that you have larger number of discs on the board compared to your opponent. It is a classic game originally thought of being invented in England, and is also known as Reversi. The game is very easy to learn, but requires considerable practice to master.

Posnetki zaslona


  • Single player against computer or two player game
  • Easy, medium and hard dificulty levels.

Dodatne informacije


Kamal Aggarwal

Avtorske pravice

Copyright 2012 Metro Gems. All rights reserved.


Kamal Aggarwal

Datum izdaje

18. 09. 2012

Približna velikost

588,84 KB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 7 let in več



Ta aplikacija lahko



Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Pripomočki za osebe s posebnimi potrebami

Razvijalec izdelka meni, da ta izdelek izpolnjuje zahteve glede dostopnosti, zato ga lažje uporabljajo prav vsi.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)

Informacije o izdajatelju

Spletno mesto za Othello
Podpora za Othello

Dodatni pogoji

Pogoji transakcije

Prijavite ta izdelek

Vpišite se in prijavite to igro Microsoftu
Prijavite ta izdelek zaradi nezakonite vsebine

Pravna izjava o zavrnitvi odgovornosti

Ta prodajalec je potrdil, da bo ponujal le izdelke ali storitve, skladne z veljavno zakonodajo