

"4 in a Row" (also known as "4 in a Line" and "Connect 4") is a very challenging board game for all ages. It is very easy to learn, but hard to master. Challenge your strategic skills! ===== GAME RULES ===== * Each player in his turn drops one of his discs down any of the slots in the top of the grid. * The play alternates until one of the players gets four discs of his color in a row. The four in a row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. * The first player to get four in a row wins. * If the board is filled with discs and neither player has four in a row, then the game is a draw.

Posnetki zaslona

Drugim je všeč tudi to:

Novosti v tej različici

*Improved stability and fixed minor bug.


  • 1-player mode (Human vs CPU).
  • 2-players mode (Human vs Human).
  • Watching mode (CPU vs CPU).
  • 10 levels of difficulty.
  • Scoreboard and rating system.
  • Supported undo and hint function.
  • Other various options (CPU Level Auto-matching, Alternate first move, etc.)

Dodatne informacije


Ultima Architect Inc.

Datum izdaje

10. 07. 2012

Približna velikost

19,37 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več

Ta aplikacija lahko

Dostop do internetne povezave


Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)
日本語 (日本)

Informacije o izdajatelju

Podpora za Ultima 4 in a Row

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Vpišite se in prijavite to igro Microsoftu
Prijavite ta izdelek zaradi nezakonite vsebine

Pravna izjava o zavrnitvi odgovornosti

Ta prodajalec je potrdil, da bo ponujal le izdelke ali storitve, skladne z veljavno zakonodajo